jueves, 11 de enero de 2018

The end of the duality: body and mind are an indissoluble entity.

Following the speech of Dr. José Ramón Alonso Peña, from the University of Salamanca, during EFNA 2017, we will discuss several key issues:

The human being is a unique functional entity, we must detach ourselves from the mind-body idea as separate elements. We are a being whose different parts are interconnected in multiple ways; An event that takes place in any of them can develop the most different repercussions in other areas and at all levels.

The brain responds to challenges, the more we demand, the better it works. In this sense, if we join the cognitive requirement to a series of healthy habits and a good deployment of tasks where the executive capacity is exercised, far better. Therefore, generating enriched environments where there are many stimulating opportunities, stands as the best environment for learning and development.

The importance of physical activity is not only limited to be a precursor of good health, healthy habits that also keep away from risky and protective behaviours due to sedentary illnesses. It represents by itself a factor of protection against natural aging and consequent deterioration of our functions (mental agility, decision-making processes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, sarcopenia and a long etc.) And this, produces it with such power, that it does not exists in all the pharmacology anything that comes close, not even far, to the multitude of beneficial effects that exercise produces in our body.

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